Shareholder services

Important information on shareholder services.


Annual report and accounts

Our annual report provides disclosures relating to our strategic, financial, operational, environmental and social performance – along with detail on our strategy. 

Annual report highlights

  • It is important for us to engage with our shareholders so that you are informed about and connected with the Group's financial performance and progress on our strategic aims. Many shareholders choose to receive communications from us in paper but we would encourage all shareholders who can do so to register to receive electronic shareholder communications. This has many benefits such as being able to communicate with you more easily and quickly, it is more environmentally friendly and reduces Group costs, which benefits all shareholders.

    To become an e-Shareholder you just need to sign up via the registrar’s Shareview Portfolio service at which is free, easy and secure. Once you have registered for your Shareview Portfolio, simply log in and become an e-Shareholder by choosing to receive shareholder documents electronically.

    We hope you will agree that this is easy to do but if you require any help with this please contact our registrar Equiniti on 0371 384 2990. 

    How do I get digital communications and access my shareholding online?

    Shareholders can do this through Shareview, the registrar’s online service. It is secure and free to use. 

    What are the benefits of using digital communications?

    There are numerous benefits associated with digital communications:

    For shareholders: you will no longer have to wait for the post to arrive as you will be notified on the same day that communications are published. Also, this is a more secure way of communicating about your shareholding.

    For the environment: the Group uses a substantial amount of paper to communicate with shareholders, whilst relying on road, rail and air transport networks to deliver this. Shareholders can help the Group to reduce the impact this has on the environment as the country moves towards a sustainable low carbon economy.

    For the Group: there is the opportunity to make cost savings. The Group has shareholders across the globe and uses a substantial amount of paper to publish communications and to deliver these.

    What if I am not used to these things and not sure what to do?

    Please be assured that registering to use Shareview is straightforward. It is an easy to use system and is called Portfolio because if you hold shares in more than one company you can connect these different shareholdings through Shareview so you only need to register once. If you only hold shares in the Group that is fine too.

    If you have any questions or require any support our registrar, Equiniti, would be happy to help you. Just call them on 0371 384 2990.

    What communications can I receive digitally?

    Shareholders can elect to receive digital communications which will come in different forms, for example:

    • AGM communications will be issued by email with links to documents;
    • Dividend tax records are available in Shareview;
    • Quarterly shareholding statements for LBGSA participants are available in Shareview; and
    • Dividend Reinvestment Plan confirmations are available in Shareview.

    What if I change my mind?

    Don’t worry, changing your mind is easy, if you decide to receive paper communications instead you just need to go to Shareview and change your instructions. You can do this at any time.

    Can I vote online in regards to shareholder meetings?

    Shareholders can vote online using the register’s Sharevote system. If you have registered to use Shareview you can access the voting system through Shareview when the company holds a shareholder meeting.

  • The Lloyds Banking Group share register is maintained by:

    Equiniti Limited
    Aspect House
    Spencer Road
    West Sussex
    BN99 6DA

    Telephone: 0371 384 2990
    Textphone: 0371 384 2255
    International: +44 (0)371 384 2990

    Equiniti is responsible for keeping Lloyds Banking Group's register of members up to date and for administering the payment of dividends and other shareholder products.

    Please contact Equiniti if you have enquiries about your Lloyds Banking Group shareholding, including those concerning the following matters:

    • Change of name or address or bank account details;
    • Loss of share certificate, dividend warrant or tax voucher;
    • To obtain a form for dividends to be paid directly to your bank or building society account (tax vouchers will still be sent to your registered address unless you request otherwise);
    • To obtain details of the dividend reinvestment plan which enables you to use your cash dividends to buy Lloyds Banking Group shares in the market;
    • Request for copies of the report and accounts in alternative formats for shareholders with disabilities;
    • Lost or out of date dividend payments;
    • Share transfers; and
    • Information regarding the administration of your shareholding.

    Equiniti operates a web-based enquiry and portfolio management service for shareholders. Visit for details.

  • Lloyds Banking Group offers customers a choice of three share dealing services. You can see a full range of dealing services available using the contact details below:

    Service Provider

    Telephone Dealing

    Internet Dealing

    Service Provider

    Bank of Scotland Share Dealing

    Telephone Dealing

    0345 606 1188

    Internet Dealing

    Service Provider

    Halifax Share Dealing

    Telephone Dealing

    0345 722 5525

    Internet Dealing

    Service Provider

    Lloyds Bank Direct Investments

    Telephone Dealing

    0345 606 0560

    Internet Dealing

    Service Provider

    IWeb Share Dealing

    Telephone Dealing

    0345 070 7129

    Internet Dealing

    All internet services are available 24/7 and telephone dealing services are available between 8am and 9pm, Monday to Friday.

    To open a share dealing account with any of these services, you must be 18 years of age or over and be resident in the UK, Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man.

    Share dealing for the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account

    Share dealing services for the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account are provided by Equiniti Shareview Dealing, operated by Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

    Shareholders who wish to either:

    1. Sell their Lloyds Banking Group plc shares held in the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account; or
    2. Purchase Lloyds Banking Group plc shares to be held in the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account,

    can do so through the share dealing service provided by Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

    You can see a full range of dealing services available on the website for Equiniti Shareview Dealing including internet, telephone and postal options.

    Further details regarding these services, to include terms and conditions, dealing commissions and fees, can be found within the website for Equiniti Shareview Dealing.

    If you have any questions regarding Equiniti Shareview Dealing, please contact Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

  • American Depository Receipts offer US investors a means to gain investment exposure to non US stocks without the complexities of dealing in foreign stock markets. An American Depositary Receipt (ADR) is a negotiable certificate issued by a US bank representing a specified number of shares in non US stock in respect of a non US company that is traded on a US exchange.

    Lloyds Banking Group shares are traded in the USA through a New York Stock Exchange listed sponsored American Depositary Receipts (ADR) facility with The Bank of New York Mellon as the depositary.

    The ADRs are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol LYG. The CUSIP number is 539439109 and the ratio of ADRs to ordinary shares is 1:4.

    For further information please contact:

    BNY Shareowner Services
    150 Royall Street
    Suite 101
    MA 02021

    Telephone (US toll free): +1 866 259 0336
    International: +1 201 680 6825


    ADR dividend history 

    To view go to US dividend payment information.

    Process for voting for ADRs

    We are committed to enabling ADR holders to vote in all situations.

    The depositary (BNY Mellon) will arrange to provide voting cards and any other relevant documentation, if any, to all registered ADR holders to enable them to instruct their votes on behalf of the Group.

    The Group’s deposit agreement prohibits discretionary proxy and any votes that are not specifically received from registered holders of ADRs are deemed not voted.

  • Your ISA is transferring to a new ISA manager

    We are writing to all Lloyds Banking Group Share ISA and Halifax Investment Services (HISL) Company Share ISA customers to make you aware that we are transferring your ISA(s) to a new ISA manager.

    You will receive an information pack and if you have any questions or have not received your information pack, please contact us on the numbers below:

    • Lloyds Banking Group Share ISA customers 0370 606 6417
    • HISL Company Share ISA customers 0370 606 6418
    • for those customers who have both 0370 606 6417

    Call opening hours: 9.00am to 5.30pm from Monday to Friday.

    Lloyds Banking Group Share ISA and HISL Company Share ISA terms and conditions

    Share ISA Conditions - 2009 version

    Share ISA Conditions - 2016 version

    HISL ISA Conditions - 2008 version

    HISL ISA Conditions - 2016 version

    The Lloyds Banking Group Share ISA (formerly HBOS Share ISA) and HISL Company Share ISA are currently managed by:

    Halifax Investment Services Limited
    BNY Mellon House
    Ingrave Road
    CM15 8TG

    Tel: 0370 606 6417

    Call opening hours: 9.00am to 5.30pm from Monday to Friday.

    If you hold your Lloyds Banking Group shares in an ISA managed by another plan manager, please contact them if you have any queries.

    Change of address

    If you have recently changed your address details, please complete the Change of Address Form (ISA) and post it to us at the address above.

    Change of dividend instructions

    If you currently have your dividend and associated tax credits paid to you and would like them to be used to buy more shares for your ISA or currently use your dividend and associated tax credit to buy more shares for your ISA and would like to receive an income, please complete the Change of Mandate Form (ISA) and post it to us at the address above.

    Notification of death

    In the event of your death, your personal representatives must notify the administrators in writing at the address above.

    If your plan is in force when you die, its tax exempt status will end on that date but your plan will continue. When we have received evidence of your death which is satisfactory to us and we are asked by your personal representatives or any other person entitled to the shares, we will sell those shares and pay the proceeds (less any charges, fees and other money owed to us and the Revenue) to them by cheque.

    Until we sell the shares, they will be subject to daily price movements as normal. When we know who your personal representatives are, we will tell them the value of the shares in your plan as at the date of your death.

    Frequently asked questions

    If you have any further queries, please contact us or see our Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account (LBGSA)

    Equiniti Financial Services Limited (EFSL) acts as custodian and execution-only stockbroker for your shares. EFSL is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

    Terms and conditions

    Terms and conditions and other information can be found on the Equiniti Shareview website

    Furthermore, customers have additional rights relating to the LBGSA. These are explained in the summary Conflicts of Interest Policy. If you have any questions regarding either the Terms and Conditions or this policy please contact Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

    Nominee and custodian services

    Nominee and custodian of shares services are no longer provided by Halifax Share Dealing Limited. Since 1 July 2015, they have been provided by Equiniti Financial Services Limited and your shares are held in the name of Equiniti Corporate Nominees Limited. You continue to be the ‘beneficial owner’ of the shares, meaning that they really belong to you.

    Share dealing for the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account

    Share dealing services for the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account are provided by Equiniti Shareview Dealing, operated by Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

    Shareholders who wish to either:

    1. Sell their Lloyds Banking Group plc shares held in the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account; or
    2. Purchase Lloyds Banking Group plc shares to be held in the Lloyds Banking Group Shareholder Account,

    can do so through the share dealing service provided by Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

    You can see a full range of dealing services available on the website for Equiniti Shareview Dealing including internet, telephone (real time and automated) and postal options.

    Further details regarding these services, to include terms and conditions, dealing commissions and fees, can be found within the website for Equiniti Shareview Dealing.

    If you have any questions regarding Equiniti Shareview Dealing, please contact Equiniti Financial Services Limited.

  • At 28 February 2025, the total number of shares issued by Lloyds Banking Group plc with rights to vote which are exercisable in all circumstances at general meetings is 60,757,294,380  ordinary shares of 10p each, which includes shares represented by American Depositary Receipts. No shares are held in treasury.

    That figure may be used by shareholders as the 'denominator' for the calculations by which they will determine whether they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, Lloyds Banking Group plc under the Financial Conduct Authority's disclosure and transparency rules.

  • How to protect yourself

    Lloyds Banking Group is aware of the challenges faced by many in protecting their finances from fraud. In addition, with the increasing number of share sale frauds and victims losing up to £200 million in total each year, we also want to highlight the warning signs of this activity and ways you can protect yourself.

    What to watch out for

    Typically, it will start with an unsolicited telephone call offering you the chance to buy or sell shares or investments in overseas territories with the promise of huge returns.

    They often use high pressure sales tactics to encourage you to part with your money, such as telling you that you need to invest at that moment or lose the opportunity. They will emphasise that if you don’t invest at the time of the call just how much money you will lose. And of course, the higher the investment amount, the bigger the loss .

    Very often they will make a number of attempts to entice you into parting with your money and offer incentives such as free reports, gifts or discounts.

    You may also be asked to transfer your money abroad, for example, to Spain, Dubai or the United States.

    They may offer you a UK phone number to call them back on – this may not be all that it seems as sometimes they do not hang up so that you remain connected to them at all times and therefore the number you "dialled" does not actually go through a network. Or, the UK number provided may forward, without your knowledge, to their overseas base.

    These companies are not authorised or regulated in the UK and hence investors are not afforded the protection of the Financial Conduct Authority or indeed other overseas regulatory bodies. 

    No one wants to lose money nor the opportunity to gain profit on an investment. But we urge shareholders to exercise extreme caution in such circumstances.

    Disclosure of your information

    Frauds can happen in many different ways. Please do not give any personal details to any caller, especially those with whom you do not already have an existing relationship, unless you are certain that they are genuine. If the caller is genuine, they will have no problems in providing you with their name contact details and who they represent, so that you may call back.

    Always make sure that you have a dial tone before dialling and if you have access to the internet, check the details of the caller (company name and details) before calling.

    Please also refer to the section below: How to protect yourself

    Please be aware that as a registered shareholder in Lloyds Banking Group, your information (name, address and number of shares held) is a matter of public record under law. However, if your shares are held in a nominee account on your behalf this information is not publically available.

    We may engage third parties to assist us with activity relating to your shares, for example, asset reunification. However, you can be assured that we will not sell your private data to a third party.

    Lloyds Banking Group will not contact you by telephone to buy or sell your shares.

    Neither ourselves nor any of our representatives will ask you for your credit card or bank account details in relation to any services or offers that you have not first requested or have not elected to participate in.

    How to protect yourself

    The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) offer step by step guidelines as to how to deal with a scenario like the ones noted above. You can access further information from their website at or you can refer to the Beware of Share Fraud leaflet.

    What do I do if I am targeted?
    If you receive calls like the one described above, please contact the FCA either by telephoning their Consumer Helpline on:

     UK: 0800 111 6768 (freephone)
     From abroad: +44 20 7066 1000

    or using the share fraud reporting form at

    If you believe you are the victim of share sale fraud already and have paid money over, you should contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or you can report this online at

    Further information

    Should you need any further information, please contact our Registrars, Equiniti (see Registrar Services for details).

  • Lloyds Banking Group has launched a tracing programme in partnership with ProSearch with the aim of reuniting 'lost' shareholders or their estates with unclaimed cash entitlements in respect of payments made by Lloyds TSB, Halifax, or HBOS.

    There are various reasons why cash entitlements may not have been claimed by shareholders. The most common reasons are:

    • Shareholder not notifying the Registrar of a change of address; or
    • Beneficiaries or executors of an estate not being aware of the holding.

    If you would like to clarify whether you or a deceased person for whose estate you act holds shares in Lloyds Banking Group (or held shares in HBOS, Halifax or Bank of Scotland), please contact Equiniti (see our Registrar Services section) for further assistance.

    Who is ProSearch?

    ProSearch Asset Solutions Limited ('ProSearch') is a subsidiary of our Registrar, Equiniti Limited, which specialises in the research, identification and the reuniting of unclaimed assets. They have worked with a variety of well-known companies on similar projects. Further information is provided on their website,

    Why is this entitlement due?

    Cheque(s) have been issued that may have been returned undelivered and / or remain uncashed. These may be in respect of dividends paid either by Lloyds TSB, Halifax or HBOS and may also include payments issued pursuant to corporate actions such as the rights issues.

    We have instructed ProSearch to try to find and assist those shareholders or their legal representatives with the repatriation of unclaimed amounts to which they may be entitled.

    What should you do if you have received a claim form?

    ProSearch will only send a claim form to an address at which they are reasonably certain that the shareholder, or their legal representative, now resides.

    The claim form is designed to make the recovery of entitlements as easy as possible. To use this voluntary service, please follow the instructions provided and return the signed and dated form (along with any necessary documents) to ProSearch in the pre-paid envelope provided.

    Why are customer and shareholding address details not the same?

    The shareholder records are maintained by the Registrar, Equiniti Limited, and as such are maintained separately and externally from any customer records held within our group of companies.

    Why is there a fee for using this service?

    This service is voluntary. Should you choose to use this voluntary service there will be a fee of 12.5%, plus VAT, of the cash entitlement due. ProSearch will deduct all fees from the entitlements recovered. In the process of operating a programme to trace lost shareholders ProSearch incurs costs including data subject analysis, mailings, identity confirmation, claim validation, and a helpline. By charging a fixed percent, this ensures a fair basis of charging and ensures that each person using the service pays the same relative cost.

    How to contact ProSearch?

    You can call them on 0800 389 6485 (or +44 (0)121 415 0067 from outside the UK). The lines are open from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

    How to get further information about unclaimed entitlements or shares?

    Please contact our Registrar, Equiniti. See Registrar Services for further information.

  • Information to help shareholders understand the impact of corporate actions on their shareholding.

    Lloyds Banking Group share history


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