Our purpose and strategy
Our purpose is Helping Britain Prosper.
Our purpose is Helping Britain Prosper.
We have an important role to play in creating a more sustainable and inclusive future.
Lloyds Banking Group incorporates many household names.
As with all necessary struggles it’s often the actions of brilliant and tenacious individuals that create lasting change.
Secondary Navigation 'Downloads' links to /content/gca/en-gb/home/who-we-are/downloads
This report provides an update on our progress towards the Group's sustainability ambitions.
We put you first, so you can put our customers first.
Our charitable Foundations are celebrating 40 years of tackling social disadvantage and Helping Britain Prosper.
Secondary Navigation 'ESG policies and downloads' links to /content/gca/en-gb/home/sustainability/esg-policies-downloads
Disclosures relating to our strategic, financial, operational, environmental and social performance.
Latest and archived results for Lloyds Banking Group and its main subsidiaries.
See all the key dates in the financial year.
Higher, more sustainable returns as we continue to Help Britain Prosper.
Information and key documents for the wide range of securities issued by Lloyds Banking Group and its entities.
Lloyds Banking Group is the first FTSE 100 company to implement Signly on its job search pages.
How Lloyds Banking Group is delivering against its strategy and achieving growth.
Secondary Navigation 'Group news' links to /content/gca/en-gb/home/insights.f0-5.html#articleTop
Build something that changes everything. Join us as we explore new ideas and technologies to reshape the world of finance.
Xinyi is pioneering AI and advanced analytics at the Group alongside her part-time role as a concert pianist.
Lloyds Banking Group is best known for its portfolio of financial services brands.
Secondary Navigation 'Benefits' links to /content/gca/en-gb/home/careers/benefits
Secondary Navigation 'Learn and develop' links to /content/gca/en-gb/home/careers/learn-and-develop
Secondary Navigation 'About applying' links to /content/gca/en-gb/home/careers/about-applying
Secondary Navigation 'Early careers' links to https://www.lloydsbankinggrouptalent.com/
Secondary Navigation 'Search jobs' links to /content/gca/en-gb/home/careers/job-search
Our purpose is Helping Britain Prosper.
We have an important role to play in creating a more sustainable and inclusive future.
Lloyds Banking Group incorporates many household names.
As with all necessary struggles it’s often the actions of brilliant and tenacious individuals that create lasting change.
This report provides an update on our progress towards the Group's sustainability ambitions.
We put you first, so you can put our customers first.
Our charitable Foundations are celebrating 40 years of tackling social disadvantage and Helping Britain Prosper.
Disclosures relating to our strategic, financial, operational, environmental and social performance.
Latest and archived results for Lloyds Banking Group and its main subsidiaries.
See all the key dates in the financial year.
Higher, more sustainable returns as we continue to Help Britain Prosper.
Information and key documents for the wide range of securities issued by Lloyds Banking Group and its entities.
Lloyds Banking Group is the first FTSE 100 company to implement Signly on its job search pages.
How Lloyds Banking Group is delivering against its strategy and achieving growth.
Build something that changes everything. Join us as we explore new ideas and technologies to reshape the world of finance.
Xinyi is pioneering AI and advanced analytics at the Group alongside her part-time role as a concert pianist.
Lloyds Banking Group is best known for its portfolio of financial services brands.
Find the contact details you need for your enquiry.
For administration of ordinary shares, change of address, change of ownership, dividend payments.
This email address is for private shareholders to raise general business questions only. We are unable to deal with enquiries of a personal nature. Please do not include any personal or confidential information as these emails are not encrypted.
Email: LBGShareholderQueries@equiniti.com
Telephone: 0371 384 2990
Textphone: 0371 384 2255
International: +44 (0)371 384 2990
Website: www.shareview.co.uk (Equiniti)
Write to:
Equiniti Limited
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
Institutional shareholders who have enquiries or need information relating to the Group’s strategy and financial performance can get in touch with our Investor Relations team using the contact details below.
Please note that the Investor Relations team have no access to bank or private shareholder account information, so are unable to answer individual account enquiries.
Telephone:+44 (0)207 356 1571
Telephone: +44 (0)778 698 8936
Telephone: +44 (0)207 356 2334
Telephone: +44 (0)785 144 0091
Telephone: +44 (0)749 451 3983
Telephone: +44 (0)207 356 1800
Telephone: +44 (0)207 356 2163
Telephone: +44 (0)207 356 1743
Email: investor.relations@lloydsbanking.com
Write to: Investor Relations, Lloyds Banking Group plc, 33 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1HZ
Email: debtinvestorrelations@lloydsbanking.com
Write to: Debt Investor Relations, Lloyds Banking Group plc, 33 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1HZ
Lloyds Banking Group shares are traded in the USA through a New York Stock Exchange listed sponsored American Depositary Receipts (ADR) facility with The Bank of New York Mellon as the depositary.
Email: shrrelations@cpushareownerservices.com
Telephone (US toll free): +1 888 269 2377
International: +1 201 680 6825
Write to:
BNY Shareowner Services
150 Royall Street
Suite 101
MA 02021
Email: careers@lloydsbanking.com
Help is available if you need assistance in submitting a job application.
Telephone: 0345 607 2222, pressing option 2
Email: careers@lloydsbanking.com
Email: mediarelationsteam@lloydsbanking.com
To accredited journalists we provide a 24-hour telephone service.
Telephone: 0207 356 2374
Address, VAT number, email address change.
Email change request to: RAPVendorMaintenance@lloydsbanking.com
Note: always include PO number or Control Centre Code on the invoice.
Submit to: APInvoiceReceipt@lloydsbanking.com
See our invoice template (PDF, 0.5MB) for guidance.
Any specific issues or complaints.
Email: LloydsInvoiceEnquiries@Lloydsbanking.com
Checking the payment status of a submitted invoice.
If you are an existing supplier please continue to contact your current relationship manager.
If your query relates to payment of invoices, please visit the “Getting Paid on Time” pages, which contains details for the Accounts Payable department.
If you're a fintech looking for potential investment, please contact our dedicated team.
We aspire to do business more responsibly.
We hope our suppliers feel able to raise concerns directly with their Supplier Relationship Manager. If this is not possible, they can use our confidential Whistleblowing service, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Email: LBG@expolink.co.uk
Telephone: 0800 0141 053
The Group’s Whistleblowing calls are handled by Expolink, who are completely independent of the Group and experienced in dealing with Whistleblowing issues. The service is completely confidential and calls are not recorded.