Our Group net zero ambitions

We will work with customers, government and the market to help reduce the carbon emissions we finance by more than


by 2030 on the path to net zero by 2050 or sooner



the carbon footprint of our investments



Reduce our supply chain emissions by 50% by 2030 on the path to net zero by 2050 or sooner

Achieve net zero operations by 2030 and reduce our direct carbon emissions by at least 90%

Building a more sustainable and inclusive future

Our lending, investments, products and services are powerful drivers of creating a sustainable and inclusive future, and are key to how we will grow our business profitably. 

Sustainable farming and food:
Point one: Forestry and land use change.
Point two: Regenerative agriculture.

Greening the built environment:
Point one: Sustainable building materials.
Point two: Climate-resilient design.
Point three: Nature-based infrastructure.

Energy transition:
Point one: Renewable energy technologies.
Point two: Alternative fuels and chemicals.
Point three: Decarbonisation of the grid.

Low carbon transport:
Point one: Battery manufacturing and recycling.
Point two: Sustainable aviation fuels.
Point three: Electric vehicles.
'Building a sustainable and inclusive future' report cover.

Sustainability Report 2023

This report provides an update on our progress towards the Group's sustainability ambitions, on sustainable and inclusive growth opportunities for the Group and activities we are undertaking to understand our ESG-related risks. It also includes our climate transition plan.

Download the report


Working towards net zero

While our overarching net zero commitments are longer term, it's the way we embed sustainability in our day-to-day operations that will move us towards meeting these targets. 

In addition to the actions outlined above, we are founding members of the Net Zero Banking Alliance and we play an active role in the Financial Services Taskforce. And beyond our own sector we have a strong network of like-minded partners, all working to accelerate transition.

We know time is critical and the next few years will be decisive in tackling climate change. We have a key role to play in transitioning the UK economy towards net zero, and our focus is on financing the transition to build a more sustainable and inclusive future for people and business, shaping finance as a force for good.

Our sustainable lending and investment targets


  • Motor

    £8 billion financing for EV and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles by 20241

    achieved since January 2022 

    Horizontal bar showing progress point of £7.6 billion lending of £8 billion, the 2024 target.

    1. Includes new lending advances for Black Horse and operating leases for Lex Autolease (gross) and operating leases for Tusker (gross, post acquisition by the Group in February 2023 only); includes cars and vans. 2. Covers the period from January 2022 to June 2024.

  • Mortgages

    £10 billion of mortgage lending for EPC A and B-rated properties by 20241

    achieved since January 2022 

    Horizontal bar showing progress point of £9.1 billion lending of £10 billion, the 2024 target.

    1. New mortgage lending on UK (excluding Channel Islands) residential property that meets an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of B or higher. The target includes re-mortgages but excludes further advances. 2. Covers the period from January 2022 to March 2024.

  • Scottish Widows

    £20–25 billion discretionary investment in climate-aware strategies and climate solutions1 by 2025

    achieved by HY 2024 

    Horizontal bar showing progress point of £23.9 billion investment within the 2025 target range of £20-25 billion.

    1. We are working with our strategic fund management partners BlackRock and Schroders to develop and refine a range of funds that have a bias towards investing in companies that are adapting their businesses to be less carbon-intensive and/or developing climate solutions. 2. Invested over target lifetime from January 2020 to June 2024.

Commercial Banking

Sustainable finance1 for Commercial Banking customers 

achieved since January 20222

Horizontal bar showing progress point of £5.9 billion lending of £30 billion, the new 2024-2026 target.

Original 2022-2024 target 

sustainable finance was met at year end 20234


1. As defined within the Sustainable Financing Framework which can be found under ESG downloads. 2. £15.8 billion from January 2022 to December 2023 and £5.9 billion from January 2024 to June 2024. 3. Covers the period from January 2024 to June 2024. 4. £15.8 billion delivered in the period from January 2022 to December 2023.

Sustainable finance news and insight


Farming our Future

Charlie Nunn

8 minutes

Charlie Nunn meets our clients at Newlyns Farm, to talk about the part they play in their local community, the role sustainability plays in farming, and how they’re adapting to new challenges.

Read Charlie's article

Find out more about sustainability at Lloyds Banking Group

What it means to be Head of Nature at Lloyds Banking Group

Katie Leach, Head of Nature at Lloyds Banking Group, explains the importance of nature protection.

Read Katie's article

Our operational emissions

Reducing the carbon footprint of our own operations is a key part of our sustainability strategy and we’re working towards an ambitious set of commitments.

Operational emissions

Our partnership with the Woodland Trust

At the beginning of 2020, we started working with the Woodland Trust to plant 10 million trees across the UK by 2030.

Woodland Trust partnership