Cheerful Lloyds Banking Group colleagues planting trees in the rain

At the beginning of 2020, we started working with the Woodland Trust to plant 10 million trees across the UK by 2030.

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Why are we planting 10 million trees across the UK?

Video | 2 mins 45 secs

Five years after beginning our partnership with the Woodland Trust, we've planted five million trees up and down the country. Find out why we're doing this and what we're aiming to achieve. 

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The trees we plant are all native to the UK and will help create havens for wildlife, boost biodiversity, and absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the air. 

Over their lifetimes, these 10 million trees could absorb as much as 2.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide – that’s about the same as a quarter of the emissions that come from UK homes every year. 

The tree planting initiative has three components:

New woods

We're creating 10 brand new 'woods within woods' at existing Woodland Trust sites across the UK. With the help of colleagues and local communities, we have started planting five new woods: Glas-na-Bradan in Northern Ireland, Butterdean in East Lothian, Scotland, Yonder Oak Wood in the South West, The Black Horse wood in Leicestershire and most recently at Heart Wood forest in Kent. We are also on target to plant in three more regions in 2025/26.

Working with communities

We're supporting the Woodland Trust with their Community Tree Pack scheme, and have given schools and communities more than 500,000 free trees over the past three years. These free trees give local communities access to nature and can help improve wellbeing, now and for generations to come. 

Supporting farmers’ low carbon future

We're supporting the agriculture sector to decarbonise in line with the National Farmers Union’s 2040 ambition, by offering preferential funding for more than 0.5ha of new woodland that brings down the cost of trees and hedges to farmers. The trees can improve biodiversity, prevent soil erosion and help farmers to meet the National Farmers' Union’s 2040 carbon net-zero goal. 

2024 Partnership Impact Report

Find out what impact our partnership with the Woodland Trust is having.

Read the latest impact report Opens in new tab PDF, 27.4KB

How our colleagues are getting involved


Our own people are playing their part, with almost 2,000 Lloyds Banking Group colleagues planting trees at 65 volunteering events in 2023.

Planting trees for the Woodland Trust

Video | 3 mins 26 secs

In this video we join a group of Lloyds Banking Group colleagues volunteering to plant trees for the Woodland Trust at Butterdean Forest in East Lothian.

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Find out more about sustainability at Lloyds Banking Group


As the UK’s largest financial services provider, we have an important role to play in creating a more sustainable and inclusive future for people and businesses, by shaping finance as a force for good.


Climate and nature

We're focussing on where we live, the energy we use, how we move and how we farm to support the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive society.

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Regional development, charities and communities

We're committed to helping realise the potential of all of the UK’s regions by actively creating opportunities for further investment and growth to support communities and businesses.

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